Fish/Animal Compatibility Charts

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*Compatible Species Chart – 1 of 2
Animal Category Animal Type/Species (Subtype) Compatibility
Freshwater Fish
  • Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta)
  • Danios (Giant, Pearl, Zebra)
  • Guppy & Endler’s
  • Halfbeak (Monitor Closely)
  • Koi Fish (< 6”)
  • Killifish (Golden Wonder, Clown)
  • Molly
  • Mosquito Fish
  • Platy
  • Rainbowfish (Furcata, Forktail)


Tend to enter the Fish Tower over 3 times per day.

  • Bala Shark(<6”)
  • Barb (Rosy, Two Spot)
  • Dwarf Pufferfish
  • Gourami (Blue, Dwarf)
  • White Cloud
  • Killifish (Ricefish)
  • Rasboras (Scissortail)
  • Silver Dollar
  • Tetra (Top Swim Level Species)


Tend to enter the Fish Tower 1-3 times per day.

  • Algae Eater
  • Angelfish (<6”)
  • Discus (<6”)
  • Farlowella
  • Festivum
  • Goldfish (<6”)
  • Gourami(Chocolate, Snakeskin)
  • Barb (Tiger, Cherry)
  • Otocinclus
  • Paradise Fish
  • Pencilfish (Non- Eques species)
  • Ram (Bolivian, Butterfly)
  • Rasboras (Mid Level)
  • Red-Tailed Shark
  • Tetra (Mid-Level)


Occasionally enter the Fish Tower.

  • Dwarf Cichlids
  • Catfish – Various
  • Columbian Shark (<6”)
  • Eels – Various
  • Flying Fox
  • Headstander
  • Loach – Various
  • Pleco – Various


Rarely, if ever, enter the Fish Tower.

  • Neocaridina Shrimp (Cherry, Blue Dream, etc.)
  • Caridina Shrimp  (Tiger, Bee, etc.)
  • Ghost Shrimp
Excellent with climbable structures; Poor Without
  • Crabs
  • Crayfish (May climb some structures)


Rarely, if ever, enter the Fish Tower.

*These tables are recommendations and do not guarantee the behavior of animals.

Key aspects about animal behavior and the Fish Tower:

1.Preferred Swimming Region – The position in the water column that the species commonly inhabits. Top-level and all-level swimmers are best.

2.Sheltering & Open Water Behavior – If you don’t add plants or decorations within the Tower you likely won’t see a “shy” fish swimming up the Fish Tower as often.

3.Add more fish – Especially for schooling fish, having a group makes the fish more outgoing leading to more Fish Tower usage.

*Compatible Species Chart – 2 of 2
Animal Category Animal Type/Species (Subtype) Compatibility
*Saltwater Fish
  • Banggai Cardinal fish
  • Green Chromis
  • Anthias (Lyretail, Dispars)
  • Mono argentus
  • Orange chromide (Brackish)


Tend to enter the Fish Tower 1-3 times per day.

  • Butterfly Fish (Pyramid, Raccoon)
  • Cardinalfish
  • Chalk Bass
  • Clownfish (Percula, Ocellaris, Maroon, Tomato)
  • Coral Beauty
  • Dartfish
  • Damselfish
  • Flame Angelfish
  • Potter’s Angelfish
  • Pufferfish (<6”)
  • Triggerfish (<6”)
  • Wrasse (Six-line, Bluestreak Cleaner)
  • Midas Blenny
  • Royal Gramma


Occasionally enter the Fish Tower.

  • Dwarf Cichlids
  • Assorted Angler
  • Blue Tang (<6”)
  • Dottyback
  • Foxface
  • Garden Eel
  • Goby
  • Jawfish, Blue Dot
  • Green Mandarin
  • Flying Fox
  • Leaf Lionfish
  • Longnose Hawkfish
  • Mandarinfish
  • Royal Gramma Basslet
  • Blenny – Various
  • Pleco
  • Catfish (<6”)


Rarely, if ever, enter the Fish Tower.

  • Snails -Various


They frequently occupy the Fish Tower.

  • Octopus



  • Clams
  • Mussels


Rarely, if ever, enter the Fish Tower.

* Please note: Saltwater fish in general are less compatible than freshwater fish. It will require more patience and more hiding places such as décor, rocks and plants to encourage them to enter the Fish Tower.

It is recommended to have at least one excellent or good compatibility species in your aquarium.

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